Do you wish to buy Barney Move 'N Groove Dance Mat? You come to the best place. You can receive exclusive lower price for Barney Move 'N Groove Dance Mat. You can decide to buy a product and Barney Move 'N Groove Dance Mat at the best price online with secure transaction here...
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Simply squeeze Move ‘n Groove Dance Mat for the floor and allow your child dance the afternoon away. The keyboard makes six different notes, the instrument icons play various tunes, when the picture of Barney is stepped on, he'll almost certainly issue instructions to step on the blue footprint, step about the red footprint, etc., and also congratulate the child when she steps about the correct spot. The furry, inflatable Barney figure spins around when music plays, an effect that will be better if he didn't tilt weirdly to a single side. Nonetheless, Barney continues to be a nice bonus with this mat since, being removable, he is a fun toy in his or her own right. True, the combinations of things you are able to do might be limited, however the physical and interactive qualities of the toy are a huge plus. --David Stoesz
Brand new in factory sealed box
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